I recently went to one of the most charming little beach towns ever! Nice and quiet, it becomes incredibly popular with Tiranese on the summer weekends. And the road to get to Dhermi is fanstastic, too, as you drive along the coast, cut up through forested mountains, and then wind your way down steep curves to reach the new coastline, with Dhermi visible in the distance. I stayed with some friends and in general, had a jolly good time. I think I may be a closeted beach bum...
Dhermi beach.
Dhermi beach at sunset.
One of the secluded pocket beaches along the northern shore.
Farah and Arian taking a yogurt and honey break on the drive to Dhermi.
View from top of mountain, heading down to tiny Dhermi. The large island is the distance is the Greek island of Corfu.
Great pictures, Me ka marre malli per ato vende te bukura.
sapo pashe keto fotot nga Dhermiu.
shume bukur
Mike, USA
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