...and you know how the rest goes. :-) Now I only wish that
I could have stayed in Mexico! Pristine beaches, a wonderful little eco-friendly town, and a great cast of characters in town for Zack and Jodi's wedding. It was a wonderful vacation, and I highly recommend Troncones, and Casa Ki, where I stayed, to all. Here are a few photos I took that I thought were worth sharing...enjoy!
The view of the beachside of Casa Ki, where I stayed and spent many, many hours in the armchairs. I regretfully did not take any pictures of my delightful little bungalow, Casa Rojo, but you can see some on the website: www.casa-ki.com

Dinner being caught for one of the local restaurants.

A rather fuzzy shot of one of the dozens of pelicans that would swoop and sail over the shallows, feasting on the ocean's bounty. I loved watching them, though they are devilishly difficult to capture on film!

Another view of the beach, with other guesthouses, bungalows and restaurants in Troncones.

View from Casa Delphin, where some of the other guests were staying.

Moonlit night over the beach, with a local's fire burning in the distance.
Scene of the nuptials.
The vows.

The cutting of the cake.

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